Gabriele Lanaro

8 May 2020

Probabilistic programming with Pyro: modeling the forgetting curve

In the previous post of this series we introduced the problem of designing a spaced repetition system, and one crucial aspect was modeling the user’s memory. In this post we’ll research a model for the user memory using the pyro probabilistic programming library.

To recap: the memory for a certain fact can be modeled as a negative exponential controlled by a parameter S that represents how strongly a user is able to retain a certain fact. We can express the probability of correctly recalling a fact as $\theta$, and the outcome as a bernoulli random variable:

Pyro is a flexible library designed to perform statistical inference. To give a quick demonstration on how pyro works, we will define a simple probabilistic model for a coin toss, i.e. a bernoulli random variable. The bernoulli distribution (among many many others) can be found in the pyro.distributions module and to sample from a distribution, we can use the pyro.sample function, which returns a pytorch tensor:

import pyro
import pyro.distributions as dist
import torch

# Setting manual seed for reproducibility

def model(theta):
    return pyro.sample("outcome", dist.Bernoulli(probs=theta))

[model(0.3) for _ in range(5)]
[tensor(0.), tensor(1.), tensor(0.), tensor(0.), tensor(1.)]

Continuing in our modeling efforts, we will include the negative exponential as a function of S in our pyro model. Since \theta is a deterministic transformation of S the implementation is straightforward.

To check if our results make sense we can plot the forgetting curve for S=30 and see that the probability of correct recall is a bit less than 0.8 at t=10.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

t = np.arange(0, 60)
plt.plot(t, np.exp(-t/30))
plt.plot([10, 10], [0, 1], color='k')
plt.title("Forgetting curve")


We can code the example in pyro and simulate what would happen if S is 30, and we are trying to remember a fact 10 minutes later as follows:

import numpy as np

def model(t, S):
    t: time in minutes
    S: parameter controlling how well the fact can be recalled (units: minutes)
    theta = np.exp(-t/S)
    return pyro.sample("outcome", dist.Bernoulli(probs=theta))

[model(t=10., S=30.) for _ in range(5)]
[tensor(1.), tensor(1.), tensor(1.), tensor(0.), tensor(1.)]

Still, nothing impressive so far. We could have done the exact same thing with a call to np.random.

But what if we want to estimate S from data? This is exactly what pyro was designed for. First of all, we can make S a random variable itself. Note that S is a positive quantity so we can’t just make it a normal random variable. For exposition purposes only, we can use a uniform distribution from 0.1 to 1000 (this is called prior). The uniform distribution is also part of pyro, and we can easily modify our model by making it sample S, obtain a probablity $\theta$, and then sample an outcome:

import numpy as np
import torch

def model(t):
    t: time in minutes
    S: parameter controlling how well the fact can be recalled (units: minutes)
    S = pyro.sample("S", dist.Uniform(0.1, 1000.0))
    theta = torch.exp(-t/S)
    return pyro.sample("outcome", dist.Bernoulli(probs=theta))

[model(t=10.) for _ in range(5)]
[tensor(1.), tensor(1.), tensor(1.), tensor(1.), tensor(1.)]

Gathering samples from distribution is not particularly useful, all you get are 0, and 1 with no information regarding the internal state of the model. The thing I like the most about pyro is that its design allows to do things like:

Let me show you.


As metioned above, if we execute the model straight up, we only get the final outcome, without any information regarding the other sampled random variables. In pyro, you can use the decorator trace to be able to follow the execution. The model can still be executed normally, but can also be executed to obtain a Trace boject. A Trace object has a nodes attribute that contains the value of the intermediate random variables as well as the input and output of the function (and a host of other information).

traced_model = pyro.poutine.trace(model)
# Model can still be used normally

# Or can be used to obtain a trace
trace = traced_model.get_trace(t=10)
              {'name': '_INPUT',
               'type': 'args',
               'args': (),
               'kwargs': {'t': 10}}),
              {'type': 'sample',
               'name': 'S',
               'fn': Uniform(low: 0.10000000149011612, high: 1000.0),
               'is_observed': False,
               'args': (),
               'kwargs': {},
               'value': tensor(324.1300),
               'infer': {},
               'scale': 1.0,
               'mask': None,
               'cond_indep_stack': (),
               'done': True,
               'stop': False,
               'continuation': None}),
              {'type': 'sample',
               'name': 'outcome',
               'fn': Bernoulli(probs: 0.9696192145347595),
               'is_observed': False,
               'args': (),
               'kwargs': {},
               'value': tensor(1.),
               'infer': {},
               'scale': 1.0,
               'mask': None,
               'cond_indep_stack': (),
               'done': True,
               'stop': False,
               'continuation': None}),
              {'name': '_RETURN', 'type': 'return', 'value': tensor(1.)})])


Now that we have seen how we can spy the values of the random variables in a model, we’ll learn how to replace sample statements with fixed values, an operation that in statistics is called “conditioning”.

To fix S to be a certain value, we can use the pyro.condition decorator as follows, that’s it!

conditioned_model = pyro.condition(model, data={"S": torch.tensor(30.0)})

We can also condition the outcome in the same way. Making the model just return 1 all the time (at first sight, I know this doesn’t sound particulary useful)

conditioned_model = pyro.condition(model, data={"outcome": torch.tensor(1.0)})
[conditioned_model(t=10.) for _ in range(5)]
[tensor(1.), tensor(1.), tensor(1.), tensor(1.), tensor(1.)]

Doing inference with Pyro

Playing around with distribution is pyro is a pleasure, for sure. But how do we estimate S from data? There’s several methods to do that, for this simple example I’ll show the use of markov chain monte carlo inference with the NUTS sampler (for a course on the topic I can recommend the dog book). To obtain the estimate for S from pyro one needs to:

At the end you can access the samples from the distribution of S (also called posterior) using the dictionary returned by get_samples. In the following example everything is wrapped into a function, that performs the inference.

Running this code shows that the distribution of S is not uniform anymore like we defined initially, but it is concentrated more towards zero.

from pyro.infer import MCMC, NUTS
import torch

def run_inference(model, t):
    mcmc_kernel = NUTS(conditioned_model)
    mcmc = MCMC(mcmc_kernel, num_samples=256, warmup_steps=128)
    return mcmc

def plot_report(mcmc):
    samples = mcmc.get_samples()
    S = samples['S']

    # Plot the distribution
    plt.title("S distribution")
    plt.hist(S, bins=50)

conditioned_model = pyro.condition(model, data={"outcome": torch.tensor(0.0)})
mcmc = run_inference(conditioned_model, t=10.0)

Sample: 100%|██████████| 384/384 [00:04, 80.80it/s, step size=9.58e-01, acc. prob=0.914]

                mean       std    median      5.0%     95.0%     n_eff     r_hat
         S    184.73    261.61     52.05      0.19    646.76    115.50      1.01

Number of divergences: 0


This all intuitively makes sense! We basically told the model, hey I observed that the user wasn’t able to recall the fact at 10 minutes. This simply means that it is less probable for S to be much larger than that. But what if the user was, in fact, able to recall an item at t=10? Intuitively, our knowledge shouldn’t change much. Let’s do this experiment by setting the outcome to be 1.0

# the outcome observed is 1.0
conditioned_model = pyro.condition(model, data={"outcome": torch.Tensor([1.0])})
mcmc = run_inference(conditioned_model, t=10.0)
Sample: 100%|██████████| 384/384 [00:05, 65.91it/s, step size=1.18e+00, acc. prob=0.812]

                mean       std    median      5.0%     95.0%     n_eff     r_hat
         S    512.97    284.22    489.44    105.83    977.94     85.90      1.00

Number of divergences: 0


And it seems to me that S is pretty much uniform between 0.1 and 1000!

conditioned_model = pyro.condition(model, data={"outcome": 1.})

Nice! We can model a single data point but what if we have multiple data points? We can certainly model that as well but first let’s build a simple simulator that represent our users trying to recall a fact.

class UserSimulator:

    def __init__(self, S):
        self._S = S
    def recall(self, t):
        theta = torch.exp(-t/self._S)
        return pyro.sample("y", dist.Bernoulli(theta))

sim = UserSimulator(torch.tensor(30.0))

We can now use the simulator to build a dataset and perform inference. We first generate 10 data points, uniformly drawn between 1.0 and 100.0

n_sample = 10
data = {"t": torch.rand(n_sample) * 100.0 + 1.0}
data["outcome"] = sim.recall(data["t"])

In our previous implementation of the model, we could only infer S from a single data point. Since pyro has broadcasting rules similar to pytorch it is possible to just pass an array and have it magically work.

tensor([0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.])

We can then go ahead and do the inference same way as before, this time using the 10 samples instead of 1, and we can plot the distribution.

conditioned_model = pyro.condition(model, data={"outcome": data["outcome"]})
mcmc = run_inference(conditioned_model, t=data["t"])

Sample: 100%|██████████| 384/384 [00:05, 70.58it/s, step size=1.01e+00, acc. prob=0.930]

                mean       std    median      5.0%     95.0%     n_eff     r_hat
         S     78.35     48.70     69.31     24.57    130.42    101.74      1.00

Number of divergences: 0


I find it amazing how providing about a small sample of 10 data points takes us quite close to the actual value of S=30.0 that we set in the simulator. Also, we didn’t get an individual point estimate but a whole distribution that we can use to estimate other quantities of interest (like possible rewards in a bandit setting).

Wrap up

That is it for today! In this post we introducted how to use pyro to make a very simple statistical model for memory retention. The beauty of the approach lies in its generality: we can play around with any prior and distribution that we like, and then use general methods (like MCMC) for inference. Of course things don’t always work out easily but it’s an interesting approach nonetheless.

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