Gabriele Lanaro

24 Apr 2015

Room Prices Analysis (Part 1): Scraping Websites with Python and Scrapy

In this post we’ll describe how I downloaded 1000 room listings per day from a popular website, and extracted the information I needed (like price, description and title).

This is the first of a series of 3 posts on my project Room Prices in Vancouver, make sure to read it for nice insights about the room situation in Vancouver!

What is scraping?

The amount of data that circulates the web is enormous, and a lot of those data is property of big companies. If you’re like me, you probably don’t own any data and one of the way of pulling it from the web is scraping.

Scraping involves fetching a web page, extracting data, following links contained in the page and repeating the process from the beginning until we’re satisfied.

There’s quite a bit of libraries that allows to do scraping in a lot of languages:

In my case I picked scrapy because of my familiarity with it and because it has a lot of neat features out-of-the-box.

While I’m not going to do a step by step tutorial, which is included in the Scrapy Documentation, I’ll give an overview of the steps involved, highlighting specific points not covered (or buried) in the documentation.

Project Structure

First of all, we need to initialize a scrapy project, that is basically a collection of components that make up the whole scraping. To create a project template you do:

scrapy startproject room_listings  

Scrapy will create a project skeleton, which consist in configuration files plus a set of components needed to be implemented.

The following diagram illustrates the relationships in a friendly and colorful way.

Spider diagram

Writing the Item

A first step in the crawler development is to define a data structure to contain our data. In this goes in the module room_spiders/ The definition is nothing special, just a class with a set of fields:

import scrapy

class CraigslistItem(scrapy.Item):
    title = scrapy.Field()
    content = scrapy.Field()
    price = scrapy.Field()

    maplink = scrapy.Field()

    latitude = scrapy.Field()
    longitude = scrapy.Field()

    url = scrapy.Field()
    attributes = scrapy.Field()
    size = scrapy.Field()
    image_links = scrapy.Field()
    time = scrapy.Field()

    bedrooms = scrapy.Field()

Writing the Spider

The core of the scraper is the Spider. To define a Spider in Scrapy we need to create a Python file in the subdirectory room_spiders/spiders/ and code a new class that inherits from scrapy.contrib.spiders.CrawlSpider.

A scraper needs to some configurations such as which pages to fetch and which links to follow. All of this can be specified using the following class attributes:

The following snippet illustrates those concepts in an example spider (file room_spiders/spiders/

from scrapy.contrib.spiders import Rule, CrawlSpider
from scrapy.contrib.linkextractors.sgml import SgmlLinkExtractor

class RoomSpider(CrawlSpider):
    name = "rooms"
    allowed_domains = [ "" ]
    start_urls = [ "" ]

    rules = (Rule(SgmlLinkExtractor(allow=[r'.*?/.+?/roo/\d+\.html']), callback='parse_roo', follow=False),)

    def parse_roo(self, response):
        # We do the parsing here

When we launch the scrapy executable (with the command scrapy crawl), the spider will match the URL specified in the rules and call the appropriate parsing function (in this case parse_roo)


The parsing code is implemented in the parse_roo method, that takes a Response object as its only argument.

In the Scrapy framework, HTML elements are fetched from the page using the XPath syntax that lets you easily navigate the HTML tags and attributes.

An example is as follows. The title and content were easily extracted by referring to the appropriate id attributes in the page. Notice also the longitude and latitude of the posting were extracted from the a google map link, when present.

def parse_roo(self, response):
      url = response.url
      titlebar = response.xpath('//*[@id="pagecontainer"]/section/h2/text()').extract()
      title = ''.join(titlebar)
      price = response.xpath('//*[@class="price"]/text()').extract()
      price = int('\$(\d+)', price[0]).group(1))
      content = response.xpath('//*[@id="postingbody"]').extract()[0]
      maplink = response.xpath('//*[@id="pagecontainer"]/section/section[2]/div[1]/div/p/small/a[1]').extract()

      longitude = None
      latitude = None
      mapdata = response.xpath('//*[@id="map"]')
      if len(mapdata) != 0:
          longitude = float(mapdata.xpath("@data-longitude").extract()[0])
          latitude = float(mapdata.xpath("@data-latitude").extract()[0])

      attributes = response.xpath('//*[@id="pagecontainer"]/section/section[2]/div[1]/p').extract()[0]

      image_links = response.xpath('//*[@id="thumbs"]/a/@href').extract()
      time = response.xpath('//*[@id="display-date"]/time/@datetime').extract()[0]

      item = CraigslistItem(url=url,

      return item
At this stage I wouldn't worry too much about cleaning the data, a gross extraction is sufficient and having less steps keeps the bugs at bay. You can always massage the data later.

Remember also that at every change of layout the scraper can get completely thrown off, make sure to keep monitor if there’s any error when you run the spider with scrapy crawl.

Parsing 1000 posts at a time.

How do we manage to scrape all the pages we need? One approach is to set the option follow=True in the scraping rules, that instructs the scraper to follow links:

class RoomSpider(CrawlSpider):
    ## ...
    rules = (Rule(SgmlLinkExtractor(allow=[r'.*?/.+?/roo/\d+\.html']), callback='parse_roo', follow=True),)

However that simply keeps parsing all the listings available in the website. A better solution is to set follow=False and write multiple start_urls entries, corresponding to the different “paginations” of the listing search page:

start_urls = ["",
              # etc...

Data Storage using Pipelines

Now that we produced an Item from our page, how do we store it?

One simple way to store is by using the builtin feed exports in Scrapy:

scrapy crawl rooms -o items.json

However I found that appending stuff is much more efficient by using a Pipeline and saving the items to a database (in my case Postgres).

A Pipeline is just a class defined in that takes an Item as an input, and outputs another Item. Of course in between we can have any side effects we want, including additional data storage and logging. In the following snippet we connect to a Postgres database and store the items in a table called raw_data.

class PostgresPipeline(object):

    def __init__(self):
        import psycopg2
        self.conn = psycopg2.connect(user="pi",

    def process_item(self, item, spider):
        cur = self.conn.cursor()

                insert into raw_data ( title, url, price, bedrooms, maplink,
                   longitude, latitude, updated_on, content, image_links,
                   attributes, size, parsed_on )
                values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);
                ''', [
                item.get('bedrooms', None),
        return item

Scheduling the Spider

I setup a Raspberry Pi 2 to run the spider every day at 23:12 by creating a script with the crawing command, and running it using a simple cron job.

12 23 * * *  /path/to/scraping/script  

If you want the time to be not exact you can always let your script sleep for some seconds before starting the scraper. In the following code we sleep between 1 and 10 seconds.

sleep $[ ( $RANDOM % 10 )  + 1 ]s
# Rest of the script ...

Be (or pretend to be) a Good Spider

Spiders are quite powerful and may submit tons of request in a short period of time. However, this is not a good practice as it burdens the servers, and websites typically adopt countermeasures to prevent excessive load.

Here are a few tips to avoid getting banned:

What’s next?

In the next post we’ll see how to clean the raw-data and how to geolocate Vancouver neighbourhoods from latitude and longitude.

Go to Part 2: Data Cleaning and Geolocation with Python and Shapely

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